
Thursday, January 20, 2011


There's a new digital picture frame at the twins', and today it was sitting on the kitchen counter scrolling through hundreds of pictures of them, from birth through this past Christmas. It was great to see the toys, bouncers, carseats, and clothes they had as infants; I've missed out on that whole part of their lives.

What made me a bit sad, though, was the fact that I'm not in any of the pictures, nor will I probably ever be. It's one of those things about being a nanny. Hours-wise, I probably spend as much waking time with them as their mom does (okay, slightly less due to weekends). But I'm just the tangental "not quite family" category. I do appreciate birthday party invitations, and their parents have never been anything less than super considerate to V and me. I'm not complaining.

I just want one of my own, so I can be in the pictures too!

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